Privacy Policy

Data collection overview

While using this website, the following data may be collected from you:

Data collected Details of data collected Why we collect it and what it is used for
Statistics We collect anonymized data about your usage of this website, such as which pages you visit, how much time you spend on a page and similar. We may collect descriptive data about you such as what type of device you are browsing with, which web browser you use, your location, and similar, but the data is anonymized in a bigger pool of data from all website visitors, so that the data we gather cannot be used to reveal your identity. The statistics data are processed by Google Analytics, which provide us the tools for website analytics. For more information about what data is collected, how it is used, and opt-out abilitites, please refer to Google Analytics. We collect this data for the sake of generating website analytics, which help us understand website traffic and webpage usage. This allows us to improve the website so that it is designed to best fit the way visitors use the website.
User data If you create a user account on our website, all data that you enter into your user profile, and data associated with your user account, such as content you create on this website while logged in with your user account, will be saved in our databases. We do not collect any other data than what you provide to us. We do not collect data that can identify you, other than any details you enter in yourself. We advice users not to provide more identifiable data than what is necesarry. We need to collect this data in order to maintain and serve your user account on this website and provide you with the services you signed up for.
Preferences We may collect data about preferences you set for this website while using this website. This can include preferences such as cookie acceptance, language, dislay style, and similar. Such data will be saved locally on your computer as a cookie (please refer to detailed information about cookies below). We collect this data in order to remember your preferences so we can serve you this website in accordance to the preferences set by you, without having to ask you the same questions every time you visit this website.

Personal data collection

This website strives to collect as little personal information about you as possible, and only request the minimum information that we need in order to serve you this website and its features. Data collected from visitors are tied to a unique identification code that distinguish you from other visitors, but which cannot be used to reveal your identity. User accounts are only identifiable through the selected username and other data self-submitted to the user account by the user. We do not collect other data with your user account such as your IP address or similar.

Data controller

Data related to registered users will only be available to administrators of this website, persons working with this website who are granted access by a website administrator, and the service provider that provides the technical solutions that power this website. Anonymized analytics data is available to website administrators, the service provider, Google Analytics, and other parties granted access by Google Analytics.

Right to rectify

Registered users may at any time edit the details of their user accounts while logged in, to correct any inaccurate data. If there is any data you wish to correct that you are not able to correct yourself, please contact a website administrator for assistance.

Right to access your own personal data

Registered users are able to view personal data related to their user account while logged in on their user account. For data portability, users may manually copy the information they wish from this website, to another website or service provider.

Right to be forgotten

Users and visitors maintain the right to be forgotten and have their personal data removed from our website, to the extent that such information is not necesarry to keep running the website. Visitors may choose to delete or disable cookies in their browser to avoid being tracked by cookies that gather statistical data about website usage or that saves their preferences. Registered users may choose to deactivate their account at any time if they no longer wish to be affiliated with the website. A user can do this by using the deactivate account feature in the user profile while logged in. Doing this will delete any non-essential data tied to your user account, and anonymize data related to your user account that must be kept in order for the continued operation of the website but where it is not essential to keep the data linked to your user account. A limited amount of data related to and linkable to your user account may remain to ensure the continued operation of the website. You will no longer be able to log in with the deactivated user account and may not be able to reactivate the same user account at another time. Data deleted or anonymized from your user account will not be possible to recover at a later time.


To improve your experience on our site, we may use "cookies". Cookies are an industry standard and most major web sites use them. A cookie is a small text file that our site may place on your computer as a tool to remember your preferences, remember your login session and/or gather website statistics. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

Website analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, a service which transmits website traffic data to Google servers in the United States. Google Analytics does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand website traffic and webpage usage.
